At the invitation of WHIGG, YAO Zheng-xin, academician of CAS, worked in Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, paid a visit to key laboratory of dynamical geodesy on June 17, 2011.
Academician Yao gave a seminar on “The process of epicenter break and its applications in earthquake emergency”. He proposed the thinking of earthquake relief by means of establish rapid solve big earthquake epicenter break process, distribute of epicenter intensity, determinate focal mechanism after shock and the variation of Kulun stress. He also gave a brief introduction of the relative theory and model method including solving non-linear inversion problem with rapid simulate anneal method and determinate aftershock focal mechanism with wavelet inversion. He presented the latest research results of Qinghai Yushu and Japan earthquake.
There was a hot discuss about how to use high frequency GPS, InSAR and GRACE geodetic data in the break model inversion problem induced by earthquake. The seminar served as an eye-opener for the researchers and students and enabled them to closely keep pace with the latest development in the earthquake epicenter inversion field.

Academican Yao was gaving a lecture on June 17, 2011.