On July 6th, the programme team of Happy Chinese, CCTV-4 international channel arrived at Wuhan Botanical Garden, CAS and recorded the characteristic plants in the Garden.
Following the science popularization interpreters, the two hosts of the programme entered the view green house and started to compete in seeking characteristic plants. One host showed strong interest in the blooding tree Dracaena angustifolia and Brunfelsia acuminata(Pohl.)Benth. with flowers in two different colors. Then, he started to introduce these to the TV audience: “The plant kingdom is so amazing! The tree can bleed and one tree can have flowers in two different colors.” Then, the hostess from Ukraine found the most poisonous tree with the aid of the interpreter. She introduced the character and use of the tree in standard Chinese and reminded the tourists not to touch the plants while enjoying the beautiful views. After that, the programme team started to record the insectivorous plant, Tillandsia grown in the air and Euphorbia tirucalli Linn in the view green house.
Through this TV programme, WBG not only displayed the beautiful scenery and characteristic plants to domestic audience even international audience, but also made it possible for the foreign friends to learn about plant knowledge while learning Chinese.

Happy Chinese programme team in WBG