CPT atomic frequency standard established in Wuhan |
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CAS scientists from the Wuhan Institute of Physics & Mathematics have developed a prototype recently for the Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) atomic frequency standard.
The gadget is capable of making miniature versions of the frequency standards which have been a common dream so long cherished by many research units in this country. But, the Wuhan scientists are the first group of Chinese researchers succeeding in developing it after being engaged in this poser as a result of the more than one-year arduous work.
The CPT frequency standard is a new type of atomic frequency standards whose working principle is based on coherent population trapping phenomenon in alkali-metal atoms. It features large-margin reduction in both a unit's volume and power consumption when compared with the traditional types. It may be achieved a size as a hand watch's and powered by button cells. According to overseas news reports, some foreign firms have developed mini-CPT standards with a total power consumption of less than 200mw and overall device volume less than 10 cubic centimeters
The portable versions of such a gadget are said to be able to offer service to a wide range of military and civilian clients in coming years. In the US, for example, some brands have been making their way into military marketplaces in batches. Very probably, it is expected that, in the wake of the reduced price and manufacturing cost, it might form a swarming stance getting into military and civilian marketplaces in a great number in the near future.