Prof. Emili Garcia-Berthou from University of Girona, together with Associate Prof. Stefan Schmutz from University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Prof. Sovan Lek from University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse and Associate Prof. Tuantong Jutagate from Ubon Ratchathani University in Thailand paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) on Nov. 7, 2013. During their visit, Prof. Emili Garcia-Berthou and Associate Prof. Stefan Schmutz respectively gave oral presentation entitled "Ecology of invasive fishes: research challenges and opportunities" and "Fish as Indicators for Eco-management of River Basins". In his presentation, Prof. Emili Garcia-Berthou explained the challenges and opportunities that the ecology of invasive fishes might face with vivid images and languages. With instances of mosquitofish and european sheatfish, he analyzed the features of invasive species, genetic features and adaptability of invasive species, effects of invasive species on native species, etc. Associate Prof. Stefan Schmutz fully explained the lake risk assessment, the effects of hydropower construction on physical and chemical environment of water and aquatic organisms and restoration and conservation of lake ecosystem. By referring to the lakes in Austria and floodplain of Danube River, his presentation analyzed the proper utilization of hydropower and looked forward to the promising future of a good ecological status. After the lecture, the visiting guests visited the Research Group of Fishery Ecology at IHB and interacted with them on issues of mutual interest.